Using The Main Dashboard: Inbox Filters

Inbox Filters make it much easier for you to stay organized and locate the conversations you need to find.

Important Section

The Important section include the top three filters in your side-view such as Me, Awaiting, All Unresolved, and any saved filters or custom views.

  • The Me filter is designed to make conversations related to your activities easier to find. With this filter, Re:amaze has made conversations pertaining to yourself much more accessible.
  • The Awaiting filter shows you unresolved conversations that are either assigned to you or unassigned. This smart filter also utilizes machine learning and surfaces conversations (regardless of channel) that most urgently require your attention. This algorithm is based on a combination of timestamps, thread size, message volume, and message frequency. We highly recommend learning to rely and trust this filter when it comes to helping customers. Since the awaiting filter does not treat any particular channel with more priority than others, it allows you to help customers equally and without prior biases.
  • The All Unresolved filter shows you conversations that are unresolved across all channels regardless of to whom it is assigned (or unassigned). The All Unresolved filter can also show you conversations broken down by chats and emails. It's a quick access to see what is still pending and what requires attention. We recommend using this filter as a day-starter if you don't like seeing a cluttered inbox provided by the All Conversations filter.

You can star any commonly-used filter, sub-filter, or custom view and add it to the Important section.


Within the Me filter, there are a few sub-filters that you can use to view the conversations of your choice:

  • All shows both open and resolved conversations that are assigned to you
  • Subscribed shows unresolved conversations that you are subscribed to in ⚙️Settings > Personal Settings > Subscribed Channels. Conversations in this filter are sorted in reverse chronological order, meaning that the customer who has been waiting the longest will appear on top.
  • Participating shows conversations where you are a participant (denoted by a ribbon/bookmark icon on the thread). This means you have at least one reply in the conversation, a note is addressed to you, you're assigned to the conversation, or you've clicked on the Follow button.
  • Mentioned shows conversations where you were mentioned in an internal note
  • Resolved show resolved conversations that are assigned to you
  • Archived show archived conversations that are assigned to you
  • On Hold show assigned conversations that have a temporary reminder
  • Auto-Resolved show conversations that are assigned to you and were resolved by a bot or by Re:amaze Assistant

State Filters

Re:amaze approaches conversation management in a more fluid and more consistent manner for all staff members. Every staff member has access to the exact same core filters. The pros to this approach is that it's immensely useful to coordinate with team members on how to find something or see something. This also means less confusion. The con is that it is a little less flexible than custom views.

Here are the main filters:

  • All Conversations shows you every single conversation (both unresolved/open and resolved/closed) in chronological order. Our recommendation is to use the All Conversations filter to get a glimpse into your overall workload because it'll be in context of what has arrived before.
  • All Archived shows you archived conversations across all channels. The conversations in archived channels do not appear in other filters.
  • On Hold shows conversations that are pending with an active reminder set. Conversations that have active reminders will be moved out of the On Hold filter and into an open/unresolved filter when the reminder date and time is reached.
  • Resolved shows you all resolved or closed conversations. It’s broken down into two sub-filters: the Auto-Resolved filter includes conversations that were resolved by Re:amaze Assistant while the Chatbot Resolved filter includes conversations that were resolved by a chatbot.
  • All Chat shows conversations that were initiated via the chat widget.
  • Outbound shows conversations that were initiated by a staff user by using the New Message button at the top left corner of the dashboard.

To read about the various conversation states that affect these filters, see this article: Understanding Conversation States.

Channel Filters

Your Re:amaze channels appear right on the dashboard under the respective brands they belong to. If you only have one brand, then only one brand will show.

Expanding a channel filter will show you conversations that belong only to that channel. This is the recommended method of filtering out specific types of conversations such as emails, Facebook messages, Instagram comments, Tweets, or SMS messages. Keep in mind that live chat (real-time messages) conversations that originate from your embedded website widget is always tied to an email address. Clicking on the right email channel filter will help you locate these conversations. Each channel filter has the same subset of state filters just like the main dashboard.


Assignee Filters

Personal assignee filters show all conversations (both resolved/closed and unresolved/open) that are assigned to a specific team member in reverse chronological order.


Tags Filter

Tags can be thought of as labels or folders. Clicking on a tag filter will show you conversations that belong to that tag and that tag only. See how tags work in this article. Tag filters also have a subset of state filters to help you more easily navigate to certain types of conversations.

The conversations you see in a tag filter can also be affected by the channel filter you were previously viewing. For example, if you clicked on a Facebook channel then click on a tag filter, it will only show tagged conversations within that specific Facebook channel.


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