When it comes to gauging the performance of your Re:amaze Shoutbox, Chatbox, and FAQ, Google Analytics is your go-to companion. While Re:amaze isn't designed as a full analytics platform, we tap into the power of tools like Google Analytics to provide you with essential data for a comprehensive view of your interactions.
Connecting Google Analytics
To measure performance and gather real time metrics for yourFAQ, you'll want to add a Google Analytics Tracking ID to your FAQ.
To do this, go to Settings > Brands > See All Settings > Custom Analytics. This is useful for tracking the most popular articles and search terms on FAQ.
To receive a Google Analytics Tracking ID, you'll first want to create a separate property on Google Analytics so you can keep the data separate from your other website or app properties. You can create a new property by going to your Google Analytics Admin and click on the "+ Create Property Link".
Once complete, Re:amaze will start sending analytics metrics to this Google Analytics Tracking ID.
Google Analytics for your Re:amaze Embeddable Widgets
If you're curious about how customers are engaging with your embeddable chat widget for real time messaging, classic live chat, or Cues, Google Analytics is the perfect tool for this too! This is automatically done as long as you have a Re:amaze embeddable widget and Google Analytics installed on your site or app.
To see what events are possible for you to track in Google Analytics, see https://www.reamaze.com/developer/analytics.
You can view the automatically recorded events under Google Analytics' "Behavior" report and "Top Events" report.
Some common events are as follows:
- Conversation Started (When a Conversation is started by the user)
- Chat Started (When a Chat is started by the user)
- Conversation Staff First Response Received (When the staff responds to the user for the first time in the conversation)
- Chat Staff First Response Received (When the staff responds to the user for the first time in the chat)
- Message Appreciated (When the user appreciates a staff response)
- Shoutbox Trigger Clicked (When the user clicks on the Shoutbox trigger)
- Shoutbox Prompt Shown (When the Shoutbox Prompt is shown to the user)
- Shoutbox Prompt Clicked (When the user clicks on the Shoutbox Prompt)
- Shoutbox Closed (When the user closes the Shoutbox)
- New Conversation Form Shown (When the new conversation or chat form is shown to the user in the Shoutbox)
- KB Shown (When the FAQ is shown to the user in the Shoutbox)
- Cue Shown (When a Cue is displayed to the user)
- Cue Clicked (When the user clicks on a Cue)
- Cue Button Clicked (When the user clicks on a button in the Cue)
- Cue Closed (When the user dismisses the Cue)
- Channel Link Clicked (When the user clicks on a channel link in the Shoutbox header)
- New Conversation Button Clicked (When the user clicks on a New Conversation button in the Shoutbox Footer)
- Hub Shown (When the Hub is shown to user in the Shoutbox)
- Hub:FAQ Search (When the user searches on the Hub FAQ app)
- Hub:Orders View All (When the user clicks on the View All Orders button on the Hub Orders app)
- Hub:Orders Search (When the user searches for an order in the Hub Orders app)
- Hub:Orders Order Clicked (When the user clicks on an order in the Hub Orders app)