Website Integrations (Embeddables)

  • Cues

    What are Cues? Cues are messages or prompts that you can create to automatically engage with visitors on your site based on certain criteria. Some common Cues include: Cue users for questions about pricing when on the pricing page to help increase conversion rates. Send a coupon code to the use...
  • Contact Forms

    Having a contact form on your website provides a convenient way for visitors to communicate with you without needing to open their email client or make a phone call. It enhances accessibility without creating the expectation of a live chat. Creating your Contact Form To create your contact form...
  • Push Prompts

    What is a Push Prompt? A Push Prompt is a Re:amaze embeddable specifically for building your Push Campaign audience. If you're not familiar with Push Campaigns, check out this article to learn more. Push Prompts are recommended over other methods of prompting users for push notifications becaus...