Push Campaign FAQs

Push Campaign FAQs

Q: Is there a limit to the amount of Push Campaigns I can send?

A: All Re:amaze accounts will be given an allowance of 1,000 sends per month for subscribed accounts, and 2,000 sends for Plus accounts. This limit is reset monthly on your account's date of payment. When you send a campaign, it will send to all of your subscribed devices. Any devices that are no longer valid will not be counted towards your send limit, and we will automatically remove these invalid subscribers when a campaign is sent. If your audience exceeds your remaining sends for the month, sending a campaign will send up to your sending limit and use the rest of your send allowance.

Q: How can I migrate my existing push campaigns to Re:amaze?

A: Re:amaze will send push notifications to customers using our internal push keys. If you are using our API to save custom vapid tokens to your users, then you will need to set your public & private keys in Settings > Push Keys. After doing so, future campaigns will send push tokens using your push keys.

Q: Do I need to install the Re:amaze Service Worker if I'm using a Shopify store?

A: No, if your store is built on Shopify, installing the Service Worker is not required for your Push Campaigns to work.

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