Conversation Permalinks

What are Conversation Permalinks?

Conversation Permalinks are running snapshots of an existing conversation that may be shared and viewed only through a secure URL. This is useful when you need to share the contents of a thread without giving a third party full access to the conversation.

Locating Conversation Permalinks

To access your Permalinks, click on the info icon located in the top-right corner of the conversation. A dropdown will appear where you can click "Permalink to Conversation" or copy the link to it.


Once you click on this, you'll be directed to a new tab with your Conversation Permalink.


You can modify the privacy setting for your Permalinks by going to Settings > Brands > See all settings. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the "Permalink Privacy Settings" button.


Your Settings page will allow you to hide display names and attachments from the conversation. You can also redact private messages so that they won't be visible when sharing Permalinks to third parties.


For example, when customers message your support team with third parties CC’d included in the email, your reply through Re:amaze will be seen by all participants. However, if the original sender removes the third party in the middle of a conversation due to privacy concerns, Re:amaze will block the removed parties from seeing those messages within the Permalink.

Customizing Permalink pages

You can customize the appearance of your permalink pages by going to Settings > Brands > See all settings > Custom CSS and Meta Headers. Provide your CSS in the "Custom CSS Stylesheet for your permalink page" field.


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